Tuesday 31 May 2011

:: L.O.V.E is . . . ::

They said falling in love is like the falling rain. We do not know when it will come. We can only anticipate for it. We might think we are all ready for it to fall, but we will soon find out that we aren’t. We can never make it fall at will. No, it has its own course to follow. Like the rain, love will come to us when it is time. Not with a raging thunder or a gust of wind, but smoothly, quietly, unknowingly. 

Nite peeps! :)

Thursday 26 May 2011

:: AYU nye anak Pak Rashidi ni~ ::


Hye Peeps! :)

You know what~ minggu ni kat tempat praktikal tade kerja pon dari hari senin haritu. Sebabnye boss kami a.k.a EN AMRI tade. So dari hari isnin haritu memang duduk wat bodo je la dalam office. Kalau angin rajen, mintak kerja ngn ABG ARIL. Dapat la tugas susun syit piawai (peta). Tu pon kejap je. So harini aina ingt sama je la mcm semalam. Dengan penuh yakin nya pkai baju kurung+selendang pegi office. Siap bwk handbag (biasa aina bwk beg laptop) plus pkai high heels lagi. huuu~ bukan g mana pon. Dok dalam office je. Paling tak pon turun naik tingkat 6 sebab anta surat.

Pagi tadi aina sampai sampai office kol 8, tros siap siap pkai bedak bedak sket ngn eyeliner (bag makeup tinggal kat office skali ngn bag telekung). Then bila orang lain dah datang aina buat buat busy baca paper. After that, bler semua busy dengan kerja masing masing aina ngn ila dok bergosip gosip sket. hehe. sedang kami ber pot-pet-pot-pet, tetiba ada orang ketuk meja aina sambil bersuara "lets,go!". uih. Sekali tgk EN. AMRI daaaa. aigooo. Dia ada plak arini. 

DAMN! kena pegi inspection skola skola (inspection = pegi sekola sekola pastu kena ukur ukur bangunan die pastu draft plan kedudukan semua semua.). So bayang kan la kami turun site dengan begitu ayu dan sopan sekali. Serius ayu weyh ayu! Kalau mak mertua tgk kompem sejuk ati, perasaan nye sama je mcm tgk lisa suruhani pkai baju kurung cotton. huuu~ tapi masalahnye, tade pon calon calon mak mertua nak tgk sebab tadi kami ber-inspection di dalam ceruk LADANG KELAPA SAWIT! *SIGH* =.="

Baju dan selendang untuk masuk ladang arini.
 *abaikan budak comot sebelah tu*
bersama handbag

dan wedges.

sekian terima kasih.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

:: demam NORA ELENA ::


Dear Peeps!

Hye! Hye! Hye! Korang korang! Tgk tak cerita NORA ELENA! :D sekarang ni semua suri rumah dan makcik makcik serta wanita wanita seluruh Malaysia tengah demam cerita ni. Hehe. Ala ala masa cerita NUR KASIH the series and ADAMAYA dulu la die punye penangan. Seriously mmg best sangat cerita ni. Aina mmg tak lepas la. Kalau cerita ni start je, satu ape pon tak boleh buat. Najwa ajak main pon buat bodo je.! Kikiki. Sorry sayang~

Kenapa cerita ni best?

1    Sebab AARON AZIZ hero!
Hehehe. Siapa tak kenal abang hensem, macho, cool dan berbadan ketak ketak ni kan? Hii~ pujaan wanita tuu. Pulak tu dalam cerita ni die berlakon hagak cool bangeeettt. Lagi la. Cair hati makk noxxx. *ade tak sesapa muka macam die x? Masok minang saya segera pleaseeee* :p
see.. hensem kan?! hensem kan?! :D
sumber: en.google!

2.      Jalan cerita die best!
Cerita ni diadaptasi dari novel. Tajuk die KASIH YANG SUCI. Kalau novel pond ah best and tangkap leleh, ape lagi kalau cerita kan? Ramai yang cakap cerita die ni 10 kali lagi lagi best dari novel! So, bayangkan lah! Heee~

ini lah novel asal nye! :)

      Pelakon pelakon superb!
Erk! Pelakon pelakon die pon bagus jugak. Ada siti saleha, ery putra, wan syarmila, miera lyana, kuna dll.  Lakonan nye mcm real je even ramai pelakon baru. Sampai kan PAK ALI (driver seth)  yang tak dikenali tuh pon diminati. PAK ALI sangat comel! Kikiki~

Teraju utama NORA ELENA!

      Cerita ni pasal PUTUS TUNANG!
Hehe. Sebenarnya cerita ni dekat ngn hati aina sebab the main cerita pasal diorang putus putus tunang. So cerita ni bagi sumber inspirasi kat aina nak teruskan life dengan positif! Kikiki. Mane tak nye, heroin tuh putus dengan ZUL ARIFFIN dapat AARON AZIZ! Hihi. Mane tau aina pon dapat macam tuh? Kannn~ tuh yang feeling abes tgk cerita ni! *tapi MR.X tade la jahat macam zul tuh. die baik je~* :D

5    Last! sebab dalam cerita ni AARON AZIZ dari MERSING!
Hehe. Ada kena mengena ke? Layan je laaa~ *balik kampong weekend ni nak cari anak TOKEY TAN kat MERSING!*J

Hehe. Okeyh! Itu sahaja dari saya. Sekian harap maklum!  jangan lupa setiap ISNIN – KHAMIS (7 petang!) WAJIB TONTON! ^_^

p/s: harini najwa buat mummy sentap lagi. die tegur adek die (kat perut mama die) " adek adek, nanti main sama sama dengan kakak ea. nanti acip beli. adek nak ikut acip tak" =.=" *sigh*

Sunday 22 May 2011

:: Easy is. Difficult is. ::

Easy is to get a place in someone's address book.

Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart.

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.

Easy is to talk without thinking
Difficult is to refrain the tongue.

Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound.

Easy is to forgive others
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness.

Easy is to set rules
Difficult is to follow them.

Easy is to dream every night
Difficult is to fight for a dream.

Easy is to show victory
Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity.

Easy is to admire a full moon
Difficult to see the other side.

Easy is to stumble with a stone
Difficult is to get up.

Easy is to enjoy life every day
Difficult to give its real value.

Easy is to promise something to someone
Difficult is to fulfill that promise.

Easy is to say we love
Difficult is to show it every day.

Easy is to criticize others
Difficult is to improve oneself.

Easy is to make mistakes
Difficult is to learn from them.

Easy is to weep for a lost love
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.

Easy is to think about improving
Difficult is to stop thinking it 
And put it into action.

Easy is to think bad of others
Difficult is to give them 
The benefit of the doubt.

Easy is to receive
Difficult is to give.

Easy to read this
Difficult to follow.

Easy is keep the friendship with words
Difficult is to keep it with meanings. 

Friday 20 May 2011

:: Najwa sayang: nanti mummy cari 'acip' baru ye yangggg ::


Hye peeps!

  Eheh. Ni tengah curi curi update blog sambil melayan si cenonet najwa. Aigoo. Pening kepala melayan si kecik ni. Eheh. Najwa ni anak sedara aina. Sekarang umurnye dah 2++ tahun. Cerdik sangat sangat minah kecik ni. Bukan nak puji anak sedara sendiri tp mmg ni la kenyataanye. Kadang kadang ape yang die ckp mmg langsung tak terpikey dek akal kita ni. Mengalahkan orang dewasa. Maybe sebab selalu bercakap dengan die kot. Dari kecik ramai org dok mengadap die.

  Cerita pasal si kecik ni, dua tiga hari lepas si kecik ni buat mummy die sentap! Haih. Mama najwa (along aina) suka belikan die buku cerita fairytale. Yang princess princess la. Najwa ni dari kecik mmg suke melawa. Kalau tgk gamba princess mula la badan mcm ulat beluncas sebab nak melaram. Nak dijadikan cerita ada satu buku cerita pasal putera katak. Ending cerita tu as usual ada gamba princess and prince charming nye. One day, papa najwa tanya najwa “akak, siapa ni?” (tunjuk gamba princess) and as usual die dengan senang hati jwb “ mummy!” (najwa kalau nampak perempuan muda muda + cun cun mesti ckp mummy! Eheh! Aku la tuh)  then papa tanye lagi, “yang ni?” (prince die plak) “ ni acip!” (erk! You know who rite?) then papa ngn mama die tros terdiam. Huhu.

  Dunno why semenjak dua menjak najwa asek menyebut nama acip die je. Ade sekali tuh sampai nangis nangis mencari acip nye. Nampak kapel muda muda, sebok cakap acip ngn mummy. Aigoo. Jgn la mcm ni nakkk. Mummy baru nak bertabah hati. Ceyt! Sabar la sayanggg. Nanti mummy cari acip baru eaaaa~  *psst psst, hye abg viva putih nak berkenalan bulehh?!* LOL ;p

  Okey lah! najwa dah nanges nanges ajak mummy main lukis lukis. dehh! mummy ni dah la terlebeyh seni yang oit~ GTG! bye! :)

berangan pakai hairband sendiri. ekekeke. (die kate bear syg die sbb die cantik!)

Thursday 19 May 2011

:: To My Best Friend ::

I was sitting here thinking

of the words I want to say,
but they just wouldn't come out right
so I found a different way

I got a piece of paper
and I wrote this poem for you,
but there's no way to thank you
for everything you do

For always being nice to me
and staying by my side,
for helping fix my problems
and never leaving me behind

For accepting my thoughts and feelings,
though you do not understand,
for never giving up on me
and being my best friend

For making me laugh
and letting me cry
and saying you'd miss me
if I were to die

Everything you mean to me
you could never know
In all the ways you've changed my life

I could never sho

The way you take care of me,
you're my shining star
and though it's so incredible
that's just the way you are

Before I get too mushy
it's time for me to go,
but before I leave this ink-filled page
there's one thing you should know

As long as we are living,
no matter when or where,
if you ever need me
just call and I'll be there

I'll climb a thousand mountains
and swim a thousand seas
anything to be there
'cause you've been there for me.

A N K  Y O U


Tuesday 17 May 2011


My friend told me to find a guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot, who calls me back when I hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to my heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch me sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses my forehead, who wants to show me off to the world when i am in track pants, who holds my hand in front of his friends, who thinks i am just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have me. And the one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her". But the fact is, I am tired of looking for this perfect guy. From now on, he can look for me. :)

Please Find me okeyh?! :)

Monday 16 May 2011


Happy birthday to me~
Happy birthday to me~
Happy birthday to nurulainaaaaa....
Happy birthday to me~ *clap clap!* :D

  Harini genap lah nurulaina rashidi ini berusia 22 tahun.Alhamdulillah masih dikurniakan nyawa untuk terus hiduo dalam dunia ni. Thanks mak abah sebab melahirkan and membesarkan nurulaina tanpa rasa jemu dan mengeluh walau sikit pon selama ini. Thanks alots! J semalam ALONG, KAK KEATY,SONA, PANDA plus DUA JEJAKA buat surprise celebration untuk aina. Seriously rasa terharu gila. Never aspect pon! Thanks alots guys. Kikiki. Sayang jugak kome kome kat teman yek~. However, i felt something missing. Mula mula tuh senyapkan je,konon konon nak bajet cool. But bler terpandang muka si keaty and aina tau die pon rase benda yang sama, tros dua dua melalak. *sigh* Terima kasih jugak untuk warm wishes dari semua rakan rakan tak kira la melalui fb ke, tweeter or thru phone! Thanks semua! J

  Untuk penambahan 1 lagi angka umur aina tahun ni, aina harap sangat sangat bertambah jugak amalan dan kematangan dalam diri. Semoga, Tuhan memberkati setiap detik aina hidup dalam dunia ni. Aminn! J
status untuk hari ini! :)

terima kasih abah! terima kasih mak! :)

  Hari ni jugak 1st day masuk praktikal. Hehe, untuk 1st day ni okey je semua. Kerja pon tak banyak lagi. Tadi just kenal kenal dengan staff je. Diorang semua ok je. Baik sangat. Sporting. Hehe. And hari rabu ni baru start turun site. Aina ngn ila (classmate) kena handle project untuk semua sekolah seluruh kulai. Kena buat penilaian . sound interesting. J hope everythings going smoothly.

p/s: terima kasih kerana masih mengingati saya. :) 

Sunday 15 May 2011

Tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow~

Dear peeps.

Esok (16 may 2011) merupakan hari yang cukup mendebarkan! Kenapa?
1 Esok aina start praktikal dah! Wehiiii! Aina praktikal kat MPKU. Dekat je. J Ila (classmate) cakap boss kat sana ok je. Baik. Orang orang kat sana pon sporting sporting. Yang penting Ila kata kat sana banyak jejaka jejaka kacak! Cewahhh. :D Waaaa. Berdebar! Hope everythings gonna be alrite and di permudahkan segala urusan dan kerja.

2. Esok juga HARI GURU! Thats mean, esok my birthday! Yeay! Yeay! Yang ke 22! J dah besa dah anak mak sorang nie.Harap dengan peningkatan angka ni, selari dengan peningkatan iman dan kematangan diri. Oh! Sila bertabah hari pada hari esok. Tade sambut sambut birthday dah. :)

Harap esok berjalan dengan lancar. 

Saturday 14 May 2011

PLEASE teach me.

Teach me to stop caring

When I think of what we were
Teach me to stop crying
When I see you there with her

Teach me how to live again
When you're not here with me
Teach me how to fight the fact
That we're not meant to be

Tell me that I'll be alright
And my life will be okay
Without you right here by my side
To hold my hand each day

Teach me to let these teardrops wash away
Don't let this heartbreak last
Let me let go like you did
For you've forgotten me so fast